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リモートワークの日米比較 / Remote Work in the US and Japan




 とはいえ、フルリモートワークは本当に望ましい形態なのでしょうか?データを見る限り、そうでもないように見受けられます。というのも、スタンフォード大学の2023年の論文「The Evolution of Working from Home」によると、リモートワークの従業員を毎日出社している従業員に比べると、労働生産性が10%ほど落ちるとされており、その説明要因として、①就業時間の増加(コミュニケーション効率の低下、ミーティングの増加)、②社内外のネットワークの縮小、③社内における知識の伝播力低下、④協力関係の希薄化、が挙げられています。加えて、フルリモートワーカーは、ハイブリッド及び毎日出社している従業員との比較において、エンゲージメントが低くてストレスが多いという案外悲観的なデータもあります。


English Version

 While thought of as the largest and most permanent change to come from the Covid-19 pandemic, the ratio of fully remote workers is actually rapidly decreasing in both the United States and Japan. In this blog post, we will look at trends in remote work and their implications based on data from both countries.

 Let's start with the ratio of remote workers. In Japan, after peaking in May of 2020, the ratio has steadily declined to between 15%-18% (results vary based on the survey). In the United States as well, data points to between 10%-20% of workers are fully remote, with a survey by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research in 2023 reporting 15.5%. Despite their large geographical differences, I could not find any data that supports that general impression that remote work in the United States far exceeds that of Japan.

Please refer to the first set of charts above.

 The similarities between Japan and the United States do not stop there. In both Japan and the United States, the top three industries in which remote work is most prominent are telecommunications, finance, and professional and business services. Moreover, the same trends can be noted in the geographical distribution of remote work. In both countries, as population density increases, so does the percentage of remote workers. Given the ability to work anywhere, some people initially predicted an exodus from major urban centers to more comfortable, less crowded areas, but that does not necessarily seem to be the case. Indeed, the percentage of remote workers in Japan is highest in Tokyo; as for the United States, think New York, Los Angeles, and Miami, in that order. Remote work remains a largely urban workstyle.

Please refer to the second set of charts above.

 That being said, it is not obvious that remote work is for the better in all cases. A recent paper by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, titled "The Evolution of Working from Home," asserts that fully remote workers are approximately 10% less productive than their in-office counterparts. While it refrains from claiming causing-and-effect, it points to (1) an increase in work time due to less efficient communication and an increase in meetings, (2) a decrease in the size of both internal and external networks, (3) a decrease in the efficiency of knowledge-dispersal within organizations, and (4) diminished collaboration as explanations for the productivity gap. On top of that, there is also data that points to a decrease in worker engagement and increase in stress among fully remote workers.

 Remote work has obvious and tremendous benefits for certain cohorts, and the preceding paragraph does not intend to deny that fact. However, given its effects on productivity and worker engagement (not to mention its downward pressure on wage-increases), it would be unwise to consider remote work a fully benevolent force as well. So where does that leave us? Well, with the Covid-19 pandemic in the rearview mirror, the shift away from remote work as a default mechanism seems fully justified, and should rather be viewed as a tool - with inherent and specific risks - to be employed strategically and with purpose.


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