※English below.
この現状を踏まえると、日本人あるいはアメリカ人にもチャンスがあるのではと思われている読者がいるかもしれません。答えは当然YESですが、ハードルもあります。一つ目は、モディ政権の「Make in India」という政策によって、海外の企業がインドに進出し生産しない限り、マーケットに足掛かりをつかむことが難しいです。つまり、輸出だけだと関税が高すぎて、競争力のある価格帯で販売することが不可能に等しいです。もう一つは、文化の違いによるマネジメント上の課題です。インド人の生活様式、習慣や価値観、仕事観に精通しているマネジメント層を揃えない、あるいは育成しないと、スタッフの皆さんを同じ方向に向けさせることが困難だと思われます。
Our CEO, Elliot Conti, who also serves as the Executive Director of the Prometheus Foundation, led a study tour in New Delhi, India in mid-September. The details for this tour, in which five Japanese university students and two employees from Mitsubishi Pencil Co., Ltd. participated, can be found here. This post, however, is a delineation of Elliot's thoughts and impressions from a memorable week in India.
①Unparalleled growth potential
This fact alone is unsurprising, seeing as India's growth rate is by far the highest (about 8% in 2023) among the major economies, but it carries a different weight when you actually visit the country. Development is exploding at a rapid pace, with high-rise condominiums and skyscrapers going up one after another. When visiting a shopping mall and observing the various brands on offer, it is difficult to distinguish whether one is in India, Japan, or the US (I was shocked to find that the same Adidas shoes are cheaper in Japan than in India).
There is ample data supporting this assertion, but here are a few examples:
5th place in GDP ranking (3.5 trillion USD)
1st place in population (1.4 billion people)
※What is important about India's demographics are that the population is STILL growing. Experts predict that the country's population will finally peak at 1.7 billion some forty years from now.
Average age = 28-years-old (as compared to 38 in the US and 48 in Japan)
10% annual growth in wages
1st place in global digital payment growth
Above and beyond the figures listed here, Elliot was most surprised by the burgeoning middle class. Having first visited India in 2015, there is a clear difference in the current purchasing power of the Indian people (the growing middle class is said to be some 300 million people) as well as the quality and variety of products and services available.
②But many challenges still remain
While economic growth is an absolute certainty, many challenges still remain. If we look at India's income pyramid, there are still about 1 billion people living on an annual income of less than 3,500 USD. This group alone is about 8 times the total population of Japan, meaning that it will take tremendous energy and time for the rising tide to lift all boats. And in the meantime, the negative impacts on health, the environment, and the society as a whole will continue to be very large. One of India's strengths is its young population, but conversely, with an average life expectancy of 72 (ranking it at 123 in the world), there exists a huge gap with the other major economies (the U.S. ranks 48th (79 years), China 58th (78 years), Germany 36th (81 years) and Japan 2nd (84 years)).
In addition to the tremendous wealth disparity, there are many challenges in terms of social infrastructure as well, which will be one of the keys to unlocking future growth. While Delhi is perhaps an extreme case, there is an urgent need to improve traffic infrastructure, enforce driving laws and strengthen policing, as well as to build out the rail network. Due to chronic traffic in Delhi, just a 5km trip within the city took between 45 minutes to an hour on average.
While Western news outlets and Japanese media often focus on the political and religious situations in India, it was difficult to get information to either confirm or deny these portrayals of the country. However, it is clear that Prime Minister Modi is loved and supported as an economic savior and visionary. In addition, when talking with young Indians about the Caste system, it seems that they are rarely conscious of it in their daily lives, and that it is rather inequality due to economic disparity that has a stronger impact on upward social mobility today.
③Toward a Brighter Tomorrow
It is often said that with challenges come opportunities, and India is no exception. As a result of its remarkable growth, hundreds of millions of people will be lifted out of poverty, many unicorn companies will emerge (India currently ranks 3rd in the world), and tremendous wealth will be created. Given that India is both incredibly diverse and a democracy, it will not experience growth at the same speed and along the same trajectory as China, but it's upward trend will hopefully be more stable, consistent, and sustainable. Moreso than any of the data listed above, what gives Elliot the most hope is the vitality and hunger of the youth in India. The next generation of Indians have a strong, positive orientation toward shaping the future: a mindset rooted in the basic notion that things will be better tomorrow than they are today, and it is up to them to make it so.
Given this situation, what opportunities are there for Japanese or Americans in India? The short answer is that there are MANY, but it is important to be aware of the barriers to entry as well. First, the Modi administration's “Make in India” policy makes it difficult to gain a foothold in the Indian market without actually producing goods there. In other words, high tariffs make it virtually impossible to offer a competitive price point through exporting alone. Another potential difficulty comes in the realm management, this time due to cultural differences. Hiring or training managers familiar with the Indian lifestyle, customs, values, and work ethic will be necessary for engaging employees and orienting them in the same direction.
That being said, the appeal of this democratic nation of over 1.4 billion people cannot be ignored. We at Conti Global Consulting plan to deepen our understanding of and strengthen our relationship with India, and welcome any and all who would like to join us!