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設立のお知らせ / Conti Global Consulting Officially Formed

執筆者の写真: elliotcontielliotconti

 本日、2024年4月1日に、合同会社Conti Global Consultingが正式に設立され、筆者、エリオット・コンティが代表社員に就任致しました。設立準備において、ご助言、ご支援、ご協力をくださった皆様に厚く御礼申し上げます。



【会社名】合同会社Conti Global Consulting


     東京都千代田区有楽町1丁目5-2 東宝日比谷プロムナードビル11階

【設 立】2024年4月1日


English Version

 Today, April 1st, 2024, marks the formation of Conti Global Consulting, LLC, with owner Elliot Conti serving as the first CEO. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of those who assisted, cheered on, and advised me throughout this process.

 With the goal of becoming the most compelling bridge between Japan and other cultures around the world, we offer a wide variety services, from HR solutions and international marketing to translation/interpretation, planning, and business development support. We our both humbled and excited for the opportunity to assist Japanese companies and entrepreneurs in their effort to overcome barriers to international growth.

Our company profile is as follows:

【Name】Conti Global Consulting, LLC

【Address】TOHO Hibiya Promenade Bldg. 11F, 1-5-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

【Established】April 1, 2024

【Capital】5 million yen



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